2018 Recap

2018 was interesting. I started it out with goals, hopes, and a list! Well, when God makes a move or a shift in your life, he makes a move! In 2018 I started out with a few goals let me give you an update on those items:

Create a Savings Plan

I stated in my previous post that I wanted to do a 52 week savings plan of 5,000.00 along with the Dave Ramsey savings tips, and I did that!  Mission accomplished. I am still following Ramesy’s baby steps and I encourage you to buy his book (audio, kindle, nook, hardcover, etc) and participate in one of his financial peace university courses. He is a wealth of resource!

Be more committed to fitness

I did just that.

I was working out 5 times a week, having lunch dates with friends to run hills, eating right, and then………I managed to tear my ACL and partially tear my meniscus in my knee. That had me set back most of  the end of 2018. It was one of the most trying injuries I have ever had. I had a full work load, a very busy 4 year old, and I was in grad school! I managed somehow to do all of it, with a strenuous physical therapy schedule in the mix!

Physical therapy is no fun, but the payoff in the end is worth all of the tears and pain. Also, guess what?! As of Monday, I am back running! This took 5 months to accomplish, and if it was not for my awesome physical therapist at Select Physical Therapy, I would not be as functional as I am today.

I plan on taking the running and getting back into my full blown workout schedule as my progress in physical therapy lets me. My goal? To walk in heels. All 6 ft of me needs to sashay through the Houston streets! Ha! I have also started my new year off with a very basic vegan diet. I am doing it more for spiritual reasons (The Daniels Fast) and, the fast is basically where you only consume, fruits and vegetables. For 21 days you are not to consume any dairy, breads that are not whole grain, sugars, etc. I paired this fast with a journal challenge and devoted time to God. I have lost some weight, and with me not being able to run up until this week, I was concerned that all my hard work in 2018 was being flushed down the drain.

I really enjoyed the fast and being vegan allowed me to try new recipes that brought about a lot of wonderful flavors. I highly recommend trying out black bean vegan enchiladas.

Source: LightOrangeBean.com

This was by far my favorite recipe during this fast. Click for the recipe here. I learned with this fast that the discipline of taking care of myself is as important as my relationship with God. I recommend giving your body a good break from meat if you can manage it.

Utilize my power in saying No

I said no to a lot in 2018 and I do not plan on stopping that this year. It is a powerful thing.

Graduate Grad School

I did it! In December of 2018, I walked across the stage with a Masters in Business Administration.

Had to add my own touch to my cap! Proverbs 16:3

You guys know I wasn’t paying for those expensive photos!

Me, Sharde, full time mom, full time employee, a woman with a torn acl, busy personal life, all the above, managed to make it through. I thank God for giving me the motivation and determination to push through all the trying times with a peaceful mindset. The reason I set out to accomplish this? To show my daughter what black girl magic looks like, to show her that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to despite the circumstances, and to finish what I had started.

So let’s see what 2019 has in store!

Weekend Recap


It twas the weekend!

It came and it went! At least for me it did. I am working weekends this month so my weekends are like any old weekday for most people.Minimal social activities and lots of Football watching. This weekend some epic Football was played for Divisional Finals in the NFL. I am going to say that Seattle impressed me! I was surprised at the Saints. My Patriots won! The Chargers made great effort to try to win but no dice!


Also, my dog has decided to bark at Lord knows what in the middle of the night. Last night I had had it. I love his protectiveness that all his little 12 lbs have to offer, but excessive barking at imaginary intruders wore me out. So his little life might have been threatened at 3:30am . The most I threaten my lovely dog, is him “going to his room” (his crate) which he hates. My dog loathes incarceration. Crates, and Leashes are his worst nightmare. So he came back to my bed and cuddled.

This up and coming week I am back in grad school taking two courses and trying to get back into workout mode. I have been a sloth, of all sloths! 7lbs of slothfulness to be exact. Hope someone has more plans than me! I may make crab cakes. I have had a taste for them lately! Until next time my fellow bloggers!

Revamping my Workout Schedule

As my schedule fills up with things to do;

  • GMAT preparation
  • Humane Society Volunteering
  • Personal time
  • Grad school applications and Meet and Greets

I have to re-arrange my workout schedule. I typically workout in the morning if I work a later shift at work, but I am working a very early shift this month and I usually workout after work. No sweat. Well, Yes, Being that I have added 3 extra things to my life, I realize I did not leave anytime for working out. I mean I am finally at the place I wanted to be at in my fitness journey and I cannot let myself get back to the near 200lbs I was! So I decided the solution is to workout during lunch. Sure, yeah no one wants to do that but I feel like I just meander during my lunch. I sit at my desk, and I read blogs. That takes me zero effort. Today, I burned 348 calories with a 20 minute cardio session and 1 round of weights. I actually had a good time doing it too. Hopefully as your life fills up with things to do or accomplish, do not let them get in the way of your fitness goals! Stay motivated!


GMAT Adventures


Yaaaaayyyy I’m going to take the GMAT!

*record scratch* No. I am not elated, I am currently reviewing what I am up against and I am now realizing. I should have started studying MONTHS ago. I plan on taking the GMAT sometime at the end of next month (AHHH!) I can get with reading and comprehension, those have been my strong subjects throughout my life, but the Quantitative portion of this test. Jesus, Allah, and Jehovah, help me! I have not seen an integer since sophomore year in college, and an isosceles triangle since the early 2000’s. I am rusty. I know with a little patience and hours of crunching I can wing it. I am excited to embark on this post graduate trek, HOWEVER, I believe that this entrance test is pure malarkey. I guess my student loan debt receipt and my diploma is not enough to get me into grad school.

Oh wells, many before me have had to take this test, and I have asked a few friends and acquaintances how do they feel about the GMAT? A lot of it was not that positive. One person even looked at me like I had 6 heads when I asked them about their experience. One reason a friend gave me is that it is difficult, because the test adapts to you (making it difficult to prepare and study) two because it’s about stuff we will never in life get to use unless we are an engineer, biochemist, or an architect. I look forward to spending the 250.00 and I better pass with flying colors, because Sallie Mae has a death grip hold on my bank account. I cannot afford to take this test this year again. So wish me luck!!

*disclaimer I am not usually this cynical but based on what I am reviewing I feel overwhelmed*