Facebook Announcement


I finally announced my pregnancy to my main social sites, Facebook and Instagram. It was not a secret, but I wanted to be very cute with my announcement. I wanted to incorporate my dog, since I treat him like my child and so I went and looked up pregnancy announcements. Here is the end result!



Pretty cute huh! Hope my re-sizing is not too small but it was huge at the start. I took a picture with my Nikon J1 and it turned out great. I am now 17 weeks along and I am interested in feeling my baby move. I feel like I might have felt her move, but I cannot be too sure. I am sure that it will happen soon. Most 1st time mothers do not feel anything until 20 weeks or so.

School has been kicking my assets, and I find that concentrating on things is hard for me lately. I hear it is associated with being pregnant. Sucks, because I am the sharpest person to most people, and I have become extremely forgetful! I made an 85 on my midterm, and I am very satisfied with that being that I read 4 of the 8 chapters a couple of days before the midterm. I definitely should not let that happen again. EVER.

I have decided to wait on purchasing a home for now, and decided to continue to rent an apartment. Having a baby and a House note on my one person income may be too much for me. So once I get a decent raise, or promotion and adjust to life with a small baby, then I will start the exciting journey again. I move in a few weeks.

In workout news, I have not been motivated, I just have not done it. Period. I am however active, when it comes to work and when I am out, I am just not working out. When I move I will use our amazing apartment gym and take walks around our community. It will be good for the baby and me. I will also do some of these stretches I found on pinterest. So expect some bump pictures soon, I have honestly not been in a picture friendly mood. So I will get it together.