Workout Struggle



















What workout isn’t a struggle?

On Tuesday I absolutely struggled. I threw up, I felt queasy, I kept quitting. I was disappointed in myself. I tend to go through this once a month. It was all due to my diet the past weekend. Eating the right kind of foods absolutely pays off. Well, on the weekend I ate fried chicken and had a coke, and on Sunday my only option in the hospital(Where my niece was being born) was McDonalds. So of course, I struggled something serious. Here was my workout:

Warm Up: 15 minute ,jog 15 hills


  • 10 box jumps 10 lunges
  • 30 jump squats
  • 10 squats with 25lb weights in each hand
  • 10 lunges on an incline with 25lb weight
  • rope thrusts with 15 squats

This workout was intended to be repeated for 3 rounds, and I only  made it to one. Hopefully today’s workout can be conquered and I can pick up my pride and ego off the ground. I am not going to let this one bad day discourage me. There are going to be more highs in workout sessions than lows. After all, the workouts are meant to be challenging.  If you aren’t feeling challenged then, you might not be as productive in your workouts as you could be. Today I will strive to do my best.

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